“Women need to get at least an hour a day of moderate exercise if the hope to ward off the creep of extra pounds that comes with ageing” say US Researchers according to a source from the Brunei Times. That’s according to a non-muslim’s point of view. However a true muslim’s daily activity consists of the five mandatory solat which may take up to 10 minutes per solat. If calculated 5 times a day, would take up a total of 50 minutes minimum exercise excluding nafl solat which include Rawattib, Hajat, Tahajjud, Witr and so on. According to US Health Officials, American women now face the challenge in maintaining a healthy weight as the daily estimated time to maintain an average weight would require 150 minutes of moderate exercise and weekly total of 420 minutes which is nearly a triple of that time. And now, researchers say that two thirds of American adults are overweight or obese adding a total of US$150 billion a year to US health costs. Think about it...if they only knew about the benefits of Islam. How 5 times daily solat could improve one’s health effortlessly without too much trouble and cost. Just a praying matt and water for ablution. Solat not only maintains our body health but cleanses our soul spiritually.