It is said once that Esaa AS (Jesus Christ) came upon a group of people who were thin and weak in body, pale of face. He asked "What has happened to you?" They replied, "Fear of jahannam has reduced us to this condition. Esaa AS said "Allah Taala in His infinite bounty has made it incubent upon Himself that He will protect from jahannam all those who are fearful of it. Then he went a few steps further and came upon another group of people who were in a worse condition, weaker in body and with a more worried face. He asked, "What ails you?" and they replied that their fondness for jannah and longing for its bounties had made them so weak. He said, "Allah Taala has taken upon Himself the responsibility to bestow upon you (and the like of you) what you expect from Him". He then went still further and came upon another group of people who seemed to be even weaker still. They were weighed down and bent double with grief, but their faces were radiant like a mirror, with Divine radiance. Esaa AS put the same question to them as before and they answered "It is our love for Allah Taala (and craving for reunion with Him) that has reduced us to this state". Whereupon Esaa AS said repeating his words thrice "You are the intimate ones, you are the favourites of Allah!"
Masha Allah! Who doesn't want to become a favourite of Allah?? Whatever we do, if we do it for sincerely for the pleasure of our lord alone, and verily our Lord knows best what is in our hearts. He will not forsake us, even if our efforts may seem fruitless, life becomes straightened and our prayers remain unanswered, we must have faith that whatever we do in life, we do it sincerely just to please our lord. Not to gain this world, status or esteem among friends or family, nor to gain paradise, or even to save ourself from hell. The main important thing in life, is that, at the end of the day, we love our Lord and whatever we do, we do it for Him. With this intention in our heart, insyaAllah, Allah will never forsake us and He will give us in the next life, what we hope from Him, and that is His pleasure. The main key is to always think positively of our Lord, and have faith that He will forgive us and accept our amals in life.
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