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Saturday, 26 December 2009

"A person is known by the company he keeps...."

Rasulullah SAW has said "Do not have intimate companionship with anyone except a Muslim; and let only those who fear Allah partake of your meals"

In this hadith, Rasulullah SAW has indicated two guidelines:

1. There should be no intimate companionship with non-Muslims.
2. A good Muslim shoul avoid relationship with even imious Muslims.

It is indicated in another hadith that no one should enter your house except the pious (al-Kanz). The hadith could also mean that a Muslim should associate with non-Muslims only on necessity. There is an insistence in the hadith on keeping oneself in the company of the pious. A person is known by the company he keeps: association has its influence according to the characters of those who are associates; that is why Rasulullah SAW has warned against the entry of impious people in the house. Intimacy with such people is bound to have an adverse effect. Rasulullah SAW has said the company of the pious is like meeting a musk merchant; when one sits with him, he may give a small piece as a present and one can also buy musk from him; otherwise, at least he can enjoy the fragrance of musk while sitting with him. ad company has been likened to sitting near a blacksmith's furnace, where a spark may rise and burn one's clothes, if that does not happen, at least one will suffer from its bad smell and smoke.

(Mishkat al Masaabeeh)

The story of the reality of this world

On the Day of Resurrection, the world will be brought before the people. It will look like an old hag (lady) with blue sunken eyes and protruding teeth. People will be asked "Do you recognize her?". They will say, "May Allah protect us all! Who is this monster?" Then they will be told, "This is the world for which you killed one another, severed blood relationships, felt jealous of one another, nourished grudge against others; it is the world that deceived you all." Then this old hag will be hurled into jahannam. She will cry, "Call my admirers! Send my followers with me to jahannam." Then Allah will give the command: "Send to Jahannam all those who folloed this world".

Friday, 25 December 2009

Preparation for the grave

Abu Laits: "Whoever wishes to save himself from the punishment in the grave , he should practice four and avoid four points:

The four that he should practise is:
1. Take care of five daily solat (on time);
2. Give alms frequently and abundantly;
3. Read the Quran frequently;
4. Do zikir excessively, because these four practises will widen and lighten one's grave.

The four that he should avoid are:
1. Telling lies;
2. Break promises/ oath;
3. Compete;
4. Neglect istinja (cleanliness in urine).

It is also said that tahajjud will be a light for us in the grave and solat and other practises mentioned above will become our friend in the grave and they will protect us from above our head, on both sides and in front from the punishment in the grave. Religious knowledge will help us answer the questions put forward by Munkar and Nakeer. These two angels will be come to us in the grave in the most fearful form. A person without knowledge and iman will fear these two angels to such an extent that they will not be able to answer their questions and as a result, will be subject to punishment.

The moral is to make our amal our friend in this world so that we can bring them into the grave with us, because our family, wealth and friends will not be able to help us in the grave. Teach our children good manners and religion, so that they become righteous as a result whereof they will be a source of virtue for us in the grave because pious children will make doa for their parents in the grave.

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Time and the Creator

"In the Name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful"
"By Al-Asr (time), Lo! Verily man is in loss, Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth"
Al-Asr (Time)

Time is a creation of Allah and one of the miracles of Allah in which he lengthens for some and shortens for some according to His decree and power. It depends upon man in what way he chooses to use his time. There are some who use it in frivolous efforts such as entertainment and sin, and there are some who benefit in good deeds and good talk and abstain from the unnecessary. Whichever way you choose your time, man will die and be resurrected in the same state in which he spends most of his time on earth doing. Example; if a man spends his whole life hoarding money and counting it, he will die in this same state. If a man spends his whole life in the effort of deed (preaching/da'wah), insya Allah he will die in that state. The way we spend our time on earth will determine our state of affairs soon to come in the next life. Therefore, spend time wisely...

The majority of our time should be spent on:
i) Da'wah (Preaching)
ii) Solat and Zikir
iii) Taleem - Teaching and learning religious knowledge
iv) Khidmat - khidmat to oneself, to the Ameer (husband), to other members of jemaat (if in the path of Allah), to all the needy (children, elderly, poor, friends, family etc)

Least time should be spent:
i) Eating & Drinking
ii) Sleeping
iii) Requirements of nature (going to the toilet)
iv) Talking about worldly affairs

What should be avoided:
i) To ask or hint to anyone to fulfill one's needs
ii) To expect or even hope for someone to fulfill one's needs
iii) To use other people's belongings without consent
iv)To avoid extravagance

Monday, 14 December 2009

Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?

Optimist – positive viewer, a philosophy / belief that things are continually getting better and that good will ultimately triumph over evil.

Pessimist – negative viewer, naysayer, somebody who speaks against something, especially somebody who habitually expresses contrary opinions.

Satan always wishes to instill feelings of insecurity, despair over the future and a pessimistic view of events in those who adopt him as their friend. He does not want people to have faith, to be obedient to Allah, to submit to destiny or to be people who place their trust in Allah and are optimistic and filled with enthusiasm. Because these things are all characteristics that are pleasing to Allah and draw one closer to Him, and that are essential if one is to live by the moral values of the religion. Satan does not want people to draw close to Allah or to live by His religion in an enthusiastic and determined manner. For that reason, he always tries to instil feelings of weariness, pessimism and despair in people by encouraging hopelessness. Satan causes them to fall into despair in the face of seemingly unwelcome conditions”.

Allah is pleased with servants who are compassionate, tolerant, just, patient, hopeful, modest, helpful, and self-sacrificing, they compete with one another to display moral excellence.

So, which one are you? Are you a pessimist or an optimist? You can change your outlook on life by just changing your attitude to be a more positive thinker. In whatever situation, no matter how hopeless or bad, a believer is sure to win if he/she has faith in Allah.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Maintenance of Kinship

According to a hadith (Mishkaat al Masaabeeh), Allah SWT will maken the hour of death easy for him who possesses the following three qualities and grants him entry into jannah:
1. is kind to the weak;
2. treats his parents with loving care;
3. shows favour to his subordinates.

According to another hadith, Rasulullah SAW told Abu Bakr RA that 3 results of 3 things are assured:
1. If a victim of cruelty overlooks it, he will earn greater respect;
2. Whoever hankers after increase in his wealth, will find a decrease in it;
3. Whoever opens the door to charity and regard for kinship, will have abundant wealth.

(ad Durr al-Manthor)

The Day of Resurrection

Abu Hurairah RA related that Rasulullah SAW said "The first to be called on the Day of Resurrection is Adam. It will be said, 'this is your father, Adam'. He (Adam) will say, 'My Lord, I am here answering Your call, with my attention and intention to You. Our Lord will say to him, 'Bring out the share of the Hellfire from you progeny.' He will say, ' My Lord, and how many?' He will say, 'From every 100 (people), 99'. Abu Hurairah RA said, "We said, 'O Messenger of Allah, if (99) (people) are taken from every 100, then what will you perceive will remain from us?' He SAW said, 'Indeed, my nation among the nations is like a single white hair on a black ox."


Extent to which Shaytaan will achieve his aim of misleading mankind. When asked Allah said;

“Ninety-nine out of every hundred to Hell, and one to Paradise”

“Nine hundred and Ninety-Nine out of every thousand to Hell and one to Paradise”

Which means 99% of his ummat will go to hell and only one group comprising of only 1% will enter Paradise.

This group will be the one who holds steadfast to the AlQuran and Sunnah and enjoins good and forbids evil.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Supplications in solat

Muadh ibne Jabal RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW took his hand and said: O Muadh! I swear by Allah, indeed I love you. Then he said: O Muadh! I advise you never to forget saying these words after Salat:

Allahuma a'inni 'alaa zhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatika

which means;

O Allah! Help me in remembering you, and in thanking you, and in attaining excellence in worshipping you.
(Abu Dawud)

The excellence of conduct

Anas ibne Malik RZ narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: He who meets his Muslim brother in a manner pleasing to Allah (For instance cordially) so as to make him happy, Allah will make him happy on the Day of Ressurection.
(Tabarani, Majma uz zawaid)

Abu Darda RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: There will be nothing heavier on the Scale than good conduct.
(Abu Dawud)

Think before we speak.....(continued)

Bilal ibne Harith Al-Muzani RA, a companion of Rasulullah SAW narrates: I head Rasulullah SAW saying: Any of you says something that pleases to Allah, which he does not deem important, but by saying, Allah destines His pleasure for him until the day of resurrection. And someone of you says something that displeases to Allah, which he does not deem important, but by this saying, Allah destines His displeasure for him till the day of resurrection.

To speak or not to speak....Each word may be a source of burden or a source of blessings....think before we speak...

Abdullah ibne Umar RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: Do not speak too much except in glorifying Allah, for talking too much without remembering Allah causes hardness of the heart. And amongst the people farthest away from Allah, are those whose hearts are hard.


The heart of a Muslim whose object is the life Hereafter does not care for the worldly pleasures, yet the world is brought to his feet. On the other hand whoever goes after the world,he is overpowered by miseries and calamities, yet he cannot receive more than his allotted portion.

Allah SWT says, "O Believers! If you help Allah, then He will help you, and will make your feet firm (against your enemies)"

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Benevolent Mercy of Allah

Abu Bakar RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: He who seeks forgiveness is not a persistent sinner, even though, he returns to his sin seventy times in a day.
(Abu Dawud)

He who repents after committing a sin and has a firm intention not to repeat it, he is likely to be forgiven despite committing that sin repeatedly.

Ibne Abbas RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said:vHe who constantly seeks forgiveness; Allah will:
1. Show him the way out of every distress;
2. and a relief from every grief;
3. and will provide him with the means of sustenance from where he could never imagine.

(Abu Dawud)

The court of Allah Taala

Rasulullah SAW has said that "He who has violated the honour, or harmed the property of a brother (Muslim) should better seek forgiveness from the aggrieved today; for a time is soon coming when he will have neither gold coins nor silver coins (and, on that Day, all reckoning will be made in terms of virtues and sins). If a wrongdoer is found to possess some virtues, a proportionate amount of these will be taken away from him and given to the wronged person as a compensation; but if he is found to possess no virtues; a proportionate amount of the wronged person's evil deeds will be added to the account of the wrongdoer. (Thus, the wrong doer may have to remain in Jahannam for a longer time, for he will also have to do penance for the sins of the wronged person)
(Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh)

The Sunnah of eating

It is said that a philosopher doctor was told about a hadith of Rasulullah SAW, which says that one should fill one third of one's stomach with food, keep one third of it for water and one third empty for air. He was greatly surprised and said, "I do not know of a sounder and saner view about eating less food. These are, undoubtedly, the words of a great sage."

Belief in destiny

Abdullah ibne Amr ibnil As RA narrates: I heard Rasulullah SAW saying: Allah had written the destiny of the entire creation fifty thousand years before he created the skies and the earth. He said: And at this time His Throne was upon the water. (Muslim)

According to another hadith, Abu Darda RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: Indeed, Allah Azzawajala has decided 5 things for every slave:
1. His time of death;
2. His deeds (good or evil);
3. His burial place;
4. His age and;
5. His sustenance.

(Musnad Ahmad)

Belief in the unseen

Anas ibne Malik Radhiallahuanhu narrates that Rasulullah SAW said to me: Son! If you can keep your heart, morning and evening, devoid of deceit and ill-will towards anyone, then do so. Then he said to me: Son! And this is my Sunnah, and he, who revives my Sunnah, has indeed loved me; and he who loves me will be with me in Paradise.

The importance of prayers

Ali RA narrates that the last words of Rasulullah SAW were: As-Salat, as-Salat; I fear Allah about those whom your right hand possesses (your slaves and subordinates).
(Abu Dawud)
Assalamualaikum...thank you for viewing this blog. I never thought I would be the type to blog. It's not really my thing. But I wish to just share a few thoughts on Islam and my perceptions on what is really going on around us. As life goes on, everyone learns just a little bit more about its ups and downs and how things work. But the creator knows best, so why follow our desires, when He has set an example for us, that is through the way of life of our loving prophet SAW. Prophet Muhammed didn't live a life of perfection, he went through a great ordeal just to give us guidance and understanding....I guess this blog is dedicated to his efforts and we as the last Muslim nation have a responsibility to carry on his work and advise each other in good and prevent each other from evil. I hope this could be a way I could express my thoughts in everyday life and hope it may effect people to do the right thing and follow the right way of islam...