Abu Laits: "Whoever wishes to save himself from the punishment in the grave , he should practice four and avoid four points:
The four that he should practise is:
1. Take care of five daily solat (on time);
2. Give alms frequently and abundantly;
3. Read the Quran frequently;
4. Do zikir excessively, because these four practises will widen and lighten one's grave.
The four that he should avoid are:
1. Telling lies;
2. Break promises/ oath;
3. Compete;
4. Neglect istinja (cleanliness in urine).
It is also said that tahajjud will be a light for us in the grave and solat and other practises mentioned above will become our friend in the grave and they will protect us from above our head, on both sides and in front from the punishment in the grave. Religious knowledge will help us answer the questions put forward by Munkar and Nakeer. These two angels will be come to us in the grave in the most fearful form. A person without knowledge and iman will fear these two angels to such an extent that they will not be able to answer their questions and as a result, will be subject to punishment.
The moral is to make our amal our friend in this world so that we can bring them into the grave with us, because our family, wealth and friends will not be able to help us in the grave. Teach our children good manners and religion, so that they become righteous as a result whereof they will be a source of virtue for us in the grave because pious children will make doa for their parents in the grave.
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