Abu Hurairah RA related that Rasulullah SAW said "The first to be called on the Day of Resurrection is Adam. It will be said, 'this is your father, Adam'. He (Adam) will say, 'My Lord, I am here answering Your call, with my attention and intention to You. Our Lord will say to him, 'Bring out the share of the Hellfire from you progeny.' He will say, ' My Lord, and how many?' He will say, 'From every 100 (people), 99'. Abu Hurairah RA said, "We said, 'O Messenger of Allah, if (99) (people) are taken from every 100, then what will you perceive will remain from us?' He SAW said, 'Indeed, my nation among the nations is like a single white hair on a black ox."
Extent to which Shaytaan will achieve his aim of misleading mankind. When asked Allah said;
“Ninety-nine out of every hundred to Hell, and one to Paradise”
“Nine hundred and Ninety-Nine out of every thousand to Hell and one to Paradise”
Which means 99% of his ummat will go to hell and only one group comprising of only 1% will enter Paradise.
This group will be the one who holds steadfast to the AlQuran and Sunnah and enjoins good and forbids evil.
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