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Thursday, 6 May 2010

How to gain a heart illumined with noor of iman?

Al-Faqeeh Aboo Layth as-Samarqandee Rahmatullah'alayh says, "Allah Ta'alaa bestows four honours upon a person who restricts his worldly hopes: (i) He grants him the power to exert in devotions. (ii) grants him relief from worries, (iii) makes him content with small provisions and (iv) illumines his heart.

Scholars say that four things illumine a man's heart (with noor) (i) an empty stomach, (ii) associating with the pious, (iii) remorse over past sins and (iv) restricting worldly hopes. And Allah punishes him who entertains high hopes about distant future with four types of afflictions: (a) makes him neglect the acts of devotion. (b) increases his worry about worldly things, (c) makes him ever greedy and anxious for increase in wealth. (d) divests his heart of mercy and compassion. Scholars further say that four things breed hard-heartedness. (a) eating too much; (b) bad company; (c) forgetfulness of one's own sins; and (d) high hopes about the distant future.

Renunciation of the world

Imam Ghazali Rahmatullahi'alayh sayas, "There are three distinguishing characteristics of someone who has truly turned away from worldliness, which one should try to develop within oneself:

1. He does not take pleasure in what he possesses in the world, nor grieves over being deprived of the things he does not possess. Or better still, he grieves over having worldly things in his possession and feels happy when he is bereft of such things. This signifies the renunciation of wealth.

2. In his sight, the one who praises him and the one who berates him are alike. This signifies the renunciation of status and worldly renown.

3. He is possessed of a true love for Allah ta'alaa, enjoys intimacy with Him, and is capable of experiencing a peculiar bliss and sweetness in acts of devotion. This signifies the love of the company of men/women and a true love for communion with Allah.

The benefits of renouncing this world is, according to a verse (Syura: 20) in the Quran, Allah says:
"Whoever desires the harvest of the world Hereafter, We grant increase in his harvest: and whoever desires the harvest of this world we give him the fruit thereof but there is no portion for him in the Hereafter".

A hadith of this meaning says, "The heart of a Muslim whose object is the life Hereafter does not care for the worldly pleasures, yet the world is brought to his feet. On the other hand, whoever goes after the world, he is overpowered by miseries and calamities, yet he cannot receive more than his allotted portion."

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Five Mandatory Prayers the best exercise

“Women need to get at least an hour a day of moderate exercise if the hope to ward off the creep of extra pounds that comes with ageing” say US Researchers according to a source from the Brunei Times. That’s according to a non-muslim’s point of view. However a true muslim’s daily activity consists of the five mandatory solat which may take up to 10 minutes per solat. If calculated 5 times a day, would take up a total of 50 minutes minimum exercise excluding nafl solat which include Rawattib, Hajat, Tahajjud, Witr and so on. According to US Health Officials, American women now face the challenge in maintaining a healthy weight as the daily estimated time to maintain an average weight would require 150 minutes of moderate exercise and weekly total of 420 minutes which is nearly a triple of that time. And now, researchers say that two thirds of American adults are overweight or obese adding a total of US$150 billion a year to US health costs. Think about it...if they only knew about the benefits of Islam. How 5 times daily solat could improve one’s health effortlessly without too much trouble and cost. Just a praying matt and water for ablution. Solat not only maintains our body health but cleanses our soul spiritually.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Story of a Eunuch

Abd Al Wahhab ibne Abd Al Hameed Thaqafee Rahmatullahi 'alayh relates that he once saw a bier being carried to the graveyard by three men and a woman. There was no other person following the bier. The Shaykh joined them, himself lifting the side he was holding. They went to the burial-place, offered funeral solat for the deceased and laid him to rest in the grave. After this, the Shaykh asked the woman who the deceased was and she said that he was her son. The Shaykh then asked, "Was there no other male person in your neighbourhood who could have lifted the fourth corner of the bier, instead of you?" The woman replied, "There are a good many people living in our neighbourhood, but they did not follow the bier of my son, thinking him to be mean and contemptible person. The Shaykh asked her why they lookd upon him as such a contemptible person; she said, "My poor son was a eunuch." The Shaykh was moved to pity for the unfortunate woman, took her home and gave her some silver coins, clothes and wheat. That night he dreamt that he saw a very handsome young man, whose face shone like the full moon, dressed in elegant white robes.The young man thanked the Shaykh, who asked him his name and the young man replied, "I am the eunuch whom you buried this morning. Allah Ta'ala had Mercy on me because I had suffered great humiliation in the world" (al-Ithaaf)

A Eunuch is a castrated man whom may or may not be dressed as a woman to resemble a woman.

Solat Tahajjud

Iyas ibne Mua'wiyah Al Muzani Rahimahullah narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: Be sure to offer solat Tahajjud though it may be as short as a goats milking. Any solat offered after 'Isya will indeed be counted as Tahajjud.
(Tabarani, Majma'uz Zawaid)

Uqbah ibne 'Amir RA narrates: I heard Rasulullah SAW saying One out of two persons of mu Ummah, gets up at night and motivates himself for wudhu despite feeling reluctant to do so, since Satan has tied knots on him. When he washes his two hands in wudhu, one knot is loosened, and when he washes his face, another knot is loosened, and when he wipes his head with wet hands, another knot is loosened. Allah Azza Wajala says to those behind the veil - His angels: Look at My slave! How much hardship he is enduring in dealing with his Nafs (inner desires) so now whatever this slave asks of Me, it will be granted to him.
(Musnad Ahmad, Fath ul Rabbani

Solat Ishraq

Hasan ibne Ali RA narrates: I heard Rasulullah SAW saying: He who after offering Fajr solat engages himslef in the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah SWT until sunrise and then offers two or four rakaat (Ishraq) solat the Hell-fire shall not touch his skin.

Ishraq is one of the sunnat prayers which are offered precisely 100 minutes after the fajr prayer.

Solat Duhaa

Abu Darda RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: Whoever offers two rakaat Salatud duhaa will not be counted amongst the neglectful worshippers of Allah; and whoever offers four rakaat would be written down amongst the worshippers; and whoever offers six rakaat, his needs for the day are taken care of; and whoever offers eight rakaat, is written down amongst the obedient; and whoever offers twelve rakaat, Allah makes a palace for him in Paradise. There does not pass a single day o night, in which Allah does not shower benevolenceupon His slaves is to grant him an opportunity to remember Him (through Dhikr).
(Tabarani, Majma 'uz Zawaid)

Buraidah RA narrates: I heard Rasulullah SAW saying: There are 360 joints in a body of a person: and sadaqah is due from every joint. The Sahabah asked: Who would be able to give that much sadaqah O Nabi Allah? He said: To bury spit thrown in a masjid is sadaqah, and offering two rakaat salat duhaa suffices as sadaqah (for all the joints in the body).

Maintenance of Kinship

Rasulullah SAW told Abu Bakr RA that three results of three things are assured which is:
1. If a victim of cruelty overlooks it, he will earn greater respect;
2. Whoever hankers after increase in his wealth, will find a decrease in it;
3. Whoever opens the door to charity and regard for kinship, will have abundant wealth.
(Ad Durr al Manthoor)

Another hadith indicates that Allah Taala will make the hour of death easy for him who possesses the following three qualities and grants him entry into jannah:
1. He is kind to the weak;
2. treats his parents with loving care;
3. shows favour to his subordinates.
(Mishkaat al Masaabeeh)

Friday, 19 March 2010

What is Istidraj?

It is when Allah (SWT) gives fortunes to someone whereby Allah (SWT) is not pleased with him. This is what’s called istidraj. Rasullulah (SAW) said :"When you see Allah (SWT) gives good fortunes to his slaves who are always committing sins (disobedient), know that the person is being given istidraj by Allah (SWT)." (At-Tabrani, Ahmad and Al-Baihaqi)

However, those disobedient people who keep on committing sins are clueless. They think that they received the fortunes because God is with them and they feel that God is kind to them in spite of their wrongdoings. Then again people who know that we must follow the footsteps of Rasullulah (SAW) and hold on tight to Islam in order to obtain happiness in this dunya (world) and akhira (afterlife), are still doubtful.

For further explanations, go to this blog: www.prisonerofjoy.blogspot.com

This topic is interesting and needs to be read as some people don't understand their fate and as a result may have negative perceptions of Allah. Bear in mind, Allah is Most Gracious and Most Merciful and intends the best for all His slaves.

Work ethics according to Islam

The prophet Muhammad SAW was known for his good qualities in his business dealings with other people which is known as 'Muamalat'. This is just one in many other of his divine qualities which are possessed by him which may be lacking in some people today. In business people generally see material gain as the main objective and tend to miss the reall picture which is to maintain good ettiquettes in business. At the end of the day, Allah knows well everything that we do.

The qualities of the prophet can be summarized in two key words which is:

1. Fatanah (Wisdom)
2. Amanah (Trustworthy)
3. Siddiq (Honesty)
4. Tabligh (Dakwah)


1. Jama'ah (Collective)
2. Ukhuwah (Friendship)
3. Syura (Consultation)
4. Ta'awun (Teamwork)

The above qualities are the sunnah possessed by the prophet in his work dealings with others which is the main stepping stone to gain halal earnings filled with barakah and blessings from Allah SWT. A person devoid of the qualities will not only gain loss in the next life but will also suffer earnings derived from any barakah and will be constantly filled with worry about gaining more when in fact all his earnings are subject to his designated rezeki (sustenance) which has already been written by Allah SWT in His book.

Three types of people, what type are you?

It is said once that Esaa AS (Jesus Christ) came upon a group of people who were thin and weak in body, pale of face. He asked "What has happened to you?" They replied, "Fear of jahannam has reduced us to this condition. Esaa AS said "Allah Taala in His infinite bounty has made it incubent upon Himself that He will protect from jahannam all those who are fearful of it. Then he went a few steps further and came upon another group of people who were in a worse condition, weaker in body and with a more worried face. He asked, "What ails you?" and they replied that their fondness for jannah and longing for its bounties had made them so weak. He said, "Allah Taala has taken upon Himself the responsibility to bestow upon you (and the like of you) what you expect from Him". He then went still further and came upon another group of people who seemed to be even weaker still. They were weighed down and bent double with grief, but their faces were radiant like a mirror, with Divine radiance. Esaa AS put the same question to them as before and they answered "It is our love for Allah Taala (and craving for reunion with Him) that has reduced us to this state". Whereupon Esaa AS said repeating his words thrice "You are the intimate ones, you are the favourites of Allah!"

Masha Allah! Who doesn't want to become a favourite of Allah?? Whatever we do, if we do it for sincerely for the pleasure of our lord alone, and verily our Lord knows best what is in our hearts. He will not forsake us, even if our efforts may seem fruitless, life becomes straightened and our prayers remain unanswered, we must have faith that whatever we do in life, we do it sincerely just to please our lord. Not to gain this world, status or esteem among friends or family, nor to gain paradise, or even to save ourself from hell. The main important thing in life, is that, at the end of the day, we love our Lord and whatever we do, we do it for Him. With this intention in our heart, insyaAllah, Allah will never forsake us and He will give us in the next life, what we hope from Him, and that is His pleasure. The main key is to always think positively of our Lord, and have faith that He will forgive us and accept our amals in life.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Four types of people...

There are four types of people namely;

1. Those who remember Allah during ease but forget Allah in times of adversity;
2. Those who remember Allah during times of adversity but forget in times of ease and leisure;
3. Those who remember Allah during both ease and adversity;
4. Those who forget Allah at all times, whether in ease or difficulty.

A person who remembers Allah in ease is a person who is grateful and recognises the bounties that Allah has bestowed upon him and remembers Allah by praising Him with Alhamdulillah. However when adversity aflicts him he cannot endure patience and is quick to forget Allah and turn to others (alternatives) for help.

The second person is he who endures patience and recognises difficulties as a test fro m Allah and maintains remembrance through doa. However in ease he is negligent of the remembrance of Allah and fails to recognise the bounties of Allah bestowed upon him.

There is also those who forget Allah at all times, and these are the unfortunate ones whom may gain the benefits of this world no matter how much or how little but will not prosper in the hereafter. They will gain nothing and their works in this life will be fruitless.
The last category of people, those who remember Allah at all times will be fortunate and will gain the pleasure of Allah. The angels will recognize them due to their abundance in zikrullah and they will gain the many virtues of zikr in this life as well as hereafter, which is to be saved from various diseases of the heart and the evil promptings of satan.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Everything we say is doa, so be careful what you wish for....or you might just get it

Sahl ibne Sa'd RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: Two things are never rejected or seldom rejected: Du'a at the time of Adhan and at the time when people are locked in a furious battle.
(Abu Daud)
After Azan there always comes a doa. Listen carefully to that doa and respond to it with 'Amin' because we never know with this small amalan that we practise on a regular basis we can gain the prophet's intercession on the day of qiamah and save us alot of worries and regret. Any practise however small it might be, may be a chance for our salvation on that great day. A day when no one can help you, but only our amalan in this world which we sometimes disregard so carelessly.